
Windows Computers

Works with phones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers running the Windows operating system.
Nuance logo.

A text-to-speech engine designed for optimizing conversational applications for the embedded, mobile, and automotive markets.

Screenshot of 9 images (3 across/3 down), with text beneath each image. Controls are at upper right of screen.

Software for creating folders for speech symbols: icons or text that can be quickly accessed. Communication signs, and gestures are often used to expand and supplement speech-restricted communication.

User settings drop down menu.

My Freedom To Communicate (MyFTC) is Assistive Technology (AT) software that uses text-to-speech technology to enable nonverbal individuals to communicate easily in real life situations.

Software menu with illustrated theatre stage background and a menu grid of several different icon graphics.

Introductory training program for AAC users.

A young smiling boy holding a mobile phone with software features that have arrows pointing to highlights.

A visual calendar app used by people with cognitive challenges and special needs for structure and image-supported communication. The calendar gives them structure by listing their daily activities in a visual format.

Text "Lexima" written in blue and orange letters.

A mobile software with text recognition and text-to-speech that can read text from paper. Useful for the blind and the illiterate.

OnScreen Communicator keyboard

An on-screen communicator for those with impaired motor skills.

Accessible instant messaging and white board tool applications.

An accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool.

Screenshot of the Lees en Praat  window with large font keyboard and associated words.

Lees en Praat is a communication tool designed for people with dysarthria anarthria and can be used with keyboard, mouse, or switches.

Black tablet with a camera at its base on a horizontal, adjustable mounting arm.

An eye-operated communication and control system that empowers people with disabilities, Locked-in syndrome, ALS, or other to communicate and interact with the world.