Classic Search
155 Results
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Operating System
Show only products that are compatible with the following operating systems.
A free AAC talker app supports communication in all areas of life and therefore providing a voice to everyone.
App for Android and iOS that allows the user to download audio books in Italian.
Voice-recording app for iOS and Android.
An app that allows users to implement the teaching of Phase III of PECS and offers a teacher an opportunity to practice picture discrimination with one or several learners within a single session.
A video tutorial app for mobile devices to teach Australian Sign Language (Auslan).
AdMouse is a particularly suitable device that facilitates technology integration for people with reduced motor skills. It has 10 buttons through which the user can perform the same functions as a conventional mouse, adding some additional features.
Sign language dictionary.
App for converting text to speech run in a browser.
A free app for deaf people requesting and booking taxis in Italy.
Connect up to eight switches to a computer USB port and use them with several different applications that offer switch access. The computer recognizes the device as a joystick and with the software provided it is possible to convert the inputs into mouse or keyboard signals.
Software to turn a mobile phone or tablet into a set of wireless mouse, trackpad and keyboard that control a computer. It is designed for one-hand use, intuitive operation and voice recognition.
Tactile feedback alerts on mobile devices to complement or replace auditory/visual alerts.
iOS, macOS, and Windows devices/computers have the ability to convert spoken language to text and allow users to dictate and control their devices via voice commands.
Virtual assistants can generally set alarms, answer questions by querying information online, open applications and do other device-specific tasks.
Some people with low vision find light text on a black background and other color inversions to be more accessible than black text on a white background.
Stereo sound can be "mixed down" to monophonic sound so that all of the information (except the spatial distribution) is provided to both ears.
Closed captions are a feature of video that displays what is being said (approximately) in on-screen text. This allows a person who cannot hear the soundtrack (either because of hearing impairment or environmental noise) to understand what is being shown.
Change the brightness difference between the text and the background.
Many devices and operating systems offer the ability to adjust the default font size.
Many devices offer a visual alert in place of, or in addition to, the audible alert.
Allows a person who cannot see the screen to read content and navigate the Internet as well as their devices.
Many devices and operating systems allow users to expand/magnify what is on the screen.
Turns off alerts or notifications temporarily to allow the user to concentrate.
Small and practical finger guide keyboard that features a BLUESTORK keyboard with 78 keys and connects wirelessly anywhere via Bluetooth.
A wearable EMG assistive technology device that is small, non-invasive, wireless. It gives those with ALS/MND, spinal cord injury, or any other condition causing paralysis and loss of speech a connection to the world.