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Operating System
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RapidKey provides you with a new Windows functionality. This software autocompletes text phrases and autoexpands shorthands in any Windows applications.
A free program designed for blind and visually-impaired people that makes RSS feeds accessible.
The goal of the Nordic SYMBERED project - funded by NUH - is to develop a user-friendly editing tools to create Web pages based on the so-called 'Concept coding' (concept coding). In this way one will be able to create web content with customizable graphical symbol of support for people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
An image and photo editing software for PCs that runs on Windows. It supports layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of tools for dealing with very large images and using a pointer device for entry.
Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer.
A suite of programs designed to help teach early ICT skills to people with profound and multiple learning difficulties, those who need to develop skills with assistive input devices and very young children new to computers.
A multi-media device designed for people with a visual or reading impairment to enable them to access audio information and entertainment, including content available on the Internet, without using a computer.
Vischeck aids in showing the viewer exactly the way in which color-blind people perceive the image.
A screen magnifier and screen reader available in three versions.
Introductory training program for AAC users.
A free caption- and audio-description authoring tool for making multimedia accessible to persons with sensory disabilities.
The EdWord application is designed to be a simple to use, talking, symbol-word processor.
NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free “screen reader” which allows blind and visually impaired people to access and interact with the Windows operating system and many third-party applications.
A free dyslexic text reader/learning tool, a graphical, interactive text reader integrated with computer text-to-speech whose level of focus, complexity, and detail is adjustable according to the user's needs.
Microsoft Reader is used to view certain eBooks on your computer.
A product suite for teachers and students for organizing and creating digital worksheets.
Educational software program that consists of six games for teaching colors with increasing difficulty.
An accessible reading app for Windows and iOS suitable for people with for dyslexia, low vision, and blindness.
Software for formula processing that produces mathematical formulas that are readable visually, in Braille, or with screen-readers. Suitable for blind and the visually impaired.
A mobile electronic reading aid on a notebook with a scanner. It uses the Internet via an integrated Windows "screenreader".
ABP KT 10 Small Field Keyboards work much like standard keyboards, but offer many possibilities of use that facilitate the operation of the PC system in daily use. Optional enhancements include a palm rest, finger guide, touchpad, hulapoint or trackball, and the adjustment for left or right handed people.
Tux Paint is a free drawing program designed for young children (kids ages 3 and up). It has a simple, easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who helps guide children as they use the program. It provides a blank canvas and a variety of drawing tools to help children be creative.
Supports disabled people to enter text faster by predicting words and word groups on the basis of the already written text.
A compact read-only system with voice output with a natural voice. Uncomplicated operation and ease of use as well as numerous connection options.
A modular and multifunctional reading system designed as a practical bag that enables easy transportation and quick start-up.