Classic Search
769 Results
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Operating System
Show only products that are compatible with the following operating systems.
A word completion program designed for use by individuals with learning disabilities or upper extremity disabilities, slow typists, poor spellers, and/or those that need word suggestions.
An accessible learning environment for children with special needs. It combines tablet apps and a wireless smart toy to encourage children's interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
An introduction to the keyboard by using speech, phonics, and Widgit Symbols in colorful letter exercises to teach literacy skills to users who have difficulty with text or communication.
A program for users who have difficulty with text or communication that combines the visual tool of mind mapping with the support of Widgit Symbols.
Software for users who have difficulty with text or communication that helps them learn to make choices.
An online library of books narrated by trained readers and edited by speech-language pathologists designed for older students reading at elementary school levels.
A multi-level communication device that reads overlays by detecting the hole pattern that is punched in the overlay.
An indoor/outdoor navigation app that is designed to help people with visual impairments explore the world without vision.
A communication program with the possibility of individual adaptation in terms of appearance, functionality and operating mode.
Cosmo is a tablet device with luminous contacts specially designed for iPad activities. It can be used for learning and activities throughout the class or at home.
A contact box that provides acoustic feedback and allows users to operate a wheelchair's electrical functions directly from contacts or fields, without first having to go through the chair's menu system. Operation of the wheelchair's electrical functions is activated by placing the fingertip in the center of the field.
A comprehensive tool for producing, sharing, and translating braille.
A teaching app for learning the basic building blocks of beginner American Sign Language (ASL) that is suitable for both children and adults.
Augmentative communications tablet devices that come with Android-based Chat software designed to fit a variety of needs for communicators at all levels.
A suite of four developmentally appropriate early learning activities for young children with special needs.
A suite of activities designed to promote visual discrimination skills in young and special needs children.
Language tutorial apps designed to help children and adults with physical or learning disabilities to recognize that words and sentences have meanings corresponding to actions in animated pictures.
An app designed to help children and adults with physical disabilities to learn to select pictures using a scanning device.
A cloud-based program for children aged 7-14 with dyslexia designed to help them understand the building blocks of written language.
A cloud-based program for children aged 6-11 with dyslexia designed to teach them number sense, strategies for times tables, and understanding time.
A cloud-based program designed for students aged 7-12 with dyslexia that teaches touch typing while improving spelling.
A simple word processor with reading options suitable for people who have difficulty communicating and learning literacy in a conventional way, such as people with dyslexia, people without speech, and people who have difficulty acquiring phonological awareness. The program produces an auditory return and helps them to self-correct.
A program intended to help people with speech difficulties articulate vowels.
An app for improving a child’s speech that is designed for children with speech sound errors. It is developed to be used in consultation with a speech therapist.
An app designed for people who struggle with writing due to learning disabilities such as dyslexia. It helps people write and take notes in both an educational and professional setting.