Classic Search
769 Results
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Operating System
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Integrated communication systems that offer Chat software on Android platforms that can be configured for different communication needs for a wide variety of individuals.
An AAC device for individuals with communication disabilities that uses an icon-based language.
A communication device for people whose only means of communication is with their eyes. It is classified as a speech generator (SGD).
Single-message dedicated speech generating device that enables you to record one message up to 2-minutes long directly to the device.
Message communicator for up to eight messages at a time.
A series of portable speech generating devices with varying levels of messages and communication features.
Augmentative communication devices that can interlock to create a multi-message communicator.
Multi-level AAC aids designed to assist communication through direct selection.
A multi-level message communicator. Using Real-Voice technology, the Tech/Talk provides speech playback.
Multi-level AAC devices designed to aid communication through direct selection. Using “Real-Voice” technology, the Tech/Plus provides speech playback.
An Augmentative and alternative text-to-speech Communication App. The user types and urVoice speaks it. The words can be saved as a Quick Phrase to be used later (and a picture can even be included).
HeadMouse replaces the standard computer mouse for people who cannot use or have limited use of their hands.
A text to speech software for Windows users. It reads any text aloud with natural voices, reads files in formats of txt, rtf, doc, pdf and web pages.
Books2burn translates text files into a series of audio files (Apple AIFF format) which can then be converted to mp3's or other formats using programs like LAME, iTunes, or other tools available around the net.
Miniature computer keyboard with a built-in mouse, designed to be used with little or no hand movement and requires no strength.
A modular system of video magnifiers that allows the user to choose the key features according to their own needs.
MagniLink Zip is a foldable, user-friendly video magnifier.
MagniLink Voice 2 is a reading machine that scans printed text and reads it using a speech synthesizer.
Inclusive software available for PC and tablet.
A text-to-speech alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) app designed for people who are literate but have lost the ability to speak possibly due to cerebral palsy, motor neuron disease, laryngectomy, stroke, apraxia or brain injury.
A keyboard extension and game for the iPad and iPhone that is designed to help children of all ages associate letters with their phonic sound.
A smartphone application enabling those with print impairments to access printed information using a VOICEYE code on the printed material.
The Looky 4+ features a centrally-located camera to make it easy to locate your position on the page.
An HD video magnifier that was designed to be highly portable.
The CANDY HD II is a portable video magnifier that can be used as either a “handheld” or “stand” magnifier.