Classic Search
769 Results
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A service that ensures that documents are accessible as per the accessibility standards & guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Sections 504 and 508, and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and is tested by people with disabilities.
A recording App designed for students in schools, colleges and Universities and anyone who wants to record meetings or conference proceedings. It has unlimited bookmarks enabling the user to record and then scroll between bookmarks during playback for easier note-taking recall.
A Text to Speech Software for Mac, Windows, and iOS. It is a universally accessible literacy platform that works across user devices, content sources, content formats, student abilities, age groups, instructional goals, and subject areas.
A software pack that includes learning tools can be used to read documents, enhance composition skills, look up a word or definition in the integrated dictionary / thesaurus and display the most probable words using word prediction.
Software that predicts word as they are typed, enabling users to manually type less, which is helpful to people who type very slowly because of physical limitations. The software learns frequently used words and gets better at predicting them over time.
A symbol-based AAC app which was specifically designed for children. It uses digitized (recorded) real children's voices and emphasizes language learning.
The LessonBoard is a standard-size QWERTY, computer keyboard with a patented color-coded by finger layout to show correct finger placement, help reduce the chance of forming bad keyboarding habits, and improve precision and speed.
Accessible children's stories for users with hearing impairments.
A series of communication apps that provide users with a way to practice common speech activities.
A small, portable communication device that uses text and symbol-based communication.
An all-in-one assistive technology tool. It is an advanced text editor with all the necessary tools for reading and writing text in English.
App for Android and iOS devices for those who have difficulty speaking but are able to read.
Black and white images available for download and personal use.
AAC app that helps to give a voice to individuals that cannot speak on their own.
Assistive communication device that allows users who have difficulty communicating verbally to record and play back various audio messages.
Collection of 5 CDs with ready made science activities. Software can be accessed via mouse, touch screen and switch. CDs can be purchased as a bundle or individually.
ClaroCom is a mobile device app designed for AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). The app helps to replace speech or assist writing for those with impairments in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language.
An augmentative communication app that allows the user to attach text and voice to individual pictures, and organize photos in photo albums.
A writing tool and text-based communication app that assists with phonetic/inventive spelling, grammar, and topic-related vocabulary.
Assitive app for people with aphasia.
Software designed to help individuals with communication disabilities communicate more efficiently. Communicator 5 converts text and symbols into clear speech, and offers tools for computer access, e-mail, text messaging, telephone, and environmental control.
Verbal communicator usable through touch screen or binocular pointing system with high resolution camera and infrared illuminators.
Dragger is a software utility for manipulating the left, right, and middle mouse buttons of a standard mouse or mouse emulator often used by people who have physical motor challenges.
A range of challenging and meaningful apps for children with disabilities like Autism, Down Syndrome & PDD. They run on modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer 10 and above.
A series of online dictionaries that feature nearly thirty titles in 24 languages, from Swedish to Persian, Polish and Turkish.