

Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $0.00


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Product Description: 

AngryTimer is an Apple application designed to help users control anger. The app promotes the use of mindfulness techniques, proven effective for reducing stress, improving emotional balance, increasing self-awareness, helping with anxiety and depression, and coping more effectively with chronic pain. After launching the app, a multicolored, rotating ring appears with the phrase “ur ok” in the center of the ring. Looking at the ring for 6 seconds can help ease the anger by refocusing attention.

Main Features: 

  • Counts down 6 seconds. The Anger Management approach states that ’your very first 6 seconds’ is all the key to controlling your oncoming anger.
  • Can be used with Apple HealthKit: If the user allows this app to write Health Data, it will record its usage time as Mindful Minutes data. (Settings > Privacy > Health Care).
  • It can be used with the Apple Watch: Set AngryTimer on the top of your Apple Watch Dock. It also works in Dock thumbnail, launching the app by only clicking the Watch's side button.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Size 18.1 MB.
  • Compatibility Requires iOS 11.4 and watchOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
  • Languages: English.
  • Age Rating 4+.

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