Product Type: 
Modifiable product


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Product Description: 

Animals From A To Z is an interactive language tutorial program designed for use with children with communication or hearing disabilities that teaches how to read the names of over 80 animals, birds, and insects by playing five games.

Main Features: 

  • Teaches how to read the names of over 80 animals, birds, and insects by playing five games: Petting Zoo, ABC See me!, Who am I?, Who Lives Here?, and Animals at Home.
  • Two of the games give practice reading cues and/or fingerspelling.
  • Includes a cued speech index that shows how each of the 40 phonemes ("speech sounds") of American English are cued.
  • Animation speed for cues and fingerspelling is adjustable. 

Primary Specifications: 

  • PC Requirements: Window 95 through Windows 7, CD-ROM, sound card and speakers.
  • Mac Requirements: Mac OS 6-9 and Power PC Macs running OS X.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.(link is external)