
Brain Injury Package

Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $1,000.00


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Product Description: 

The Brain Injury software package is a behavior training program suite designed for increasing attention and overall cognitive skills.

Main Features: 

  • Included activities:
    • Attention Perception and Discrimination: The user must find from a group of four pictures the one that matches the target picture. In other exercises, the user must find a picture that does not belong in the group.
    • Auditory and Visual Instructions: A description of a geometric form is provided using the attributes of size, color, and shape, e.g. large, yellow, square. The user must identify the geometric form from four that are shown that fits the description.
    • Categories: A word is presented and the user is asked to respond within a certain time if and only if that word is a member of a specific category. That means that sometimes the correct response is to click a button and other times the correct response is not to respond at all.
    • Hierarchical Attention Training: The user is instructed to watch or listen for the target stimulus and respond only when it appears. This training facilitates attending skills and helps to curb impulsive or preservative behavior.
    • Listening Skills: Users first select the appropriate color and then assign it to a geometric form by pointing to the form and clicking the mouse button, all following the instructions that were listened to.
    • Making Change for Money: The program asks the user to 1) determine how much money is in a picture of money displayed on the screen, 2) determine how much money to give a clerk when buying a specific item, and 3) determine how much change the clerk should give back. The program uses photo-realistic pictures of money displayed on the screen.
    • Math Story Problems using a Calculator: Provides practice with real-life math experiences. A problem is presented and a basic calculator is displayed on the screen which the user can choose to use.
    • Memory for Animated Sequences: Users watch an animated sequence of events lasting between a few seconds and a minute. They must then select a statement that describes what they just observed or, as a more difficult option, select a statement that does not describe what they just observed.
    • Memory for Directions: Either written or spoken directions are given requesting the user to move small pictures to special locations on the screen with a mouse.
    • Time Management: Scenarios that require knowledge of distinctions between a.m. and p.m., tracking time forward, and tracking time backward are given. Then "what time must I leave the house?" needs to be answered based on what happened in that scenario. The material challenges individuals with temporal organization impairments. Users respond by setting the hands on a clock or selecting the correct answer from a list.
    • Visual and Auditory Memory Span:  To test and exercise memory abilities, a list of between 1 and 9 items is presented, either visually or auditorily, and the user must recall the entire list in the correct order.
    • Visual Auditory and Grammatical Attention: Lessons for visual, auditory, and grammatical processing. In each, a simple concept is presented with competing stimuli as a distraction. An example of Competing for Visual Stimuli: When you hear the word orange, click orange even though the letters are blue.
    • Visual Memory: Visual Memory presents a stimulus, waits, and then asks users to find the stimulus in a group of four that are then presented. Level: Low-Mid.
    • Visual Pattern Matching: Underneath a grid of pictures is a pattern which the user is asked to remember. The pattern is then again covered with the pictures. The user is then asked to identify the pictures that formed the pattern.
    • Word Recognition: This program requires users to remember a list of 1-10 words and then when words are displayed one at a time, to determine whether the displayed word is a member of the list. The user simply clicks a Yes or No button. The number of words to appear on the list can be set by the user.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Requires: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website about the Brain Injury Package.