Manufacturer Name:
Product Description:
The Cognitive Reasoning Software Package is a cognitive skills program designed for individuals who have experienced strokes or for those with aphasia, memory or cognitive disabilities, or autism.
Main Features:
Topics covered:
- Category Association and Sequencing: The program tracks performance and provides comprehensive stimuli within a variety of lessons, like group together words that are alike.
- Category Discrimination and Reasoning: The stimuli are graded from simple to complex vocabulary and degree of abstractness. An example of the tasks is the user must identify the correct reason for why a word does not belong in a given list of words.
- Cause and Effect: An example would be for the user to choose the most likely option of what could happen after a situation is described.
- Category Naming and Completion: The first step is to determine the category title that best describes the three words in a given list. Then the second list of words is displayed. Here the user is instructed to find the word in the second list that belongs to the first list.
- Conditional Statements: A challenging language task. A hierarchy of conditional statements is presented either visually or auditorily. An example would be for the user to look at a given grid of pictures and if the sun is in box 12 then click rain.
- Deductive Reasoning: Deductive Reasoning is designed to facilitate reasoning skills in relatively high level cognitively impaired people. For example, in one class, lion and dog belong but the desk and tree do not belong. (Obviously, the class is animals) The user is asked: Does the elephant belong? What about the flower?
- Form and Function: Designed to provide users with an opportunity to identify the features of words like location, function, appearance, color, etc. Users are given a question like: Which ones are found in a hospital? They must move the appropriate words to the right side of the screen by clicking the button to the left of the words.
- Inferential Naming: Users determine the identity of a concealed word after clues are given. The program can be configured to accept approximate spellings and to display word length of the concealed word.
- Inferential Words: The task is similar to the task seen on the television show: Wheel of Fortune. Phonological knowledge and spelling ability are the focus. The program recognizes speech with no need for training.
- Logical Thinking: Users are asked to move a picture to a certain location. Lesson types include: Put baseball on a red square that is not even numbered; If 10 is an odd number then put baseball below box 10.
- Problem Solving: A real-life problem is presented and the user chooses from a given list of four solutions the most likely and ethical one.
- Reasons Why: A real-life question is presented like Why do people shake hands? The user is instructed to choose from a given list the best reason.
- Sequence of Events: After a random list of steps necessary to perform a certain task is given, the user must first determine the task and then order the activities required to complete the task by arranging the random list in the correct sequence.
- Situational Reasoning: A real-life situation is presented like If a user burns his/her hand. What is the first thing to do? The user must choose between a list of four alternatives.
- Things in Common: Two different people, places, or things are presented as a director and producer and the user is asked what they have in common. Users choose from a list of four alternatives.
Primary Specifications:
- Requires: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.
More Information:
See Manufacturer's website(link is external).