eeZee Mouse
Product Type:
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name:
Product Description:
The 3rd generation eeZee Mouse family of adaptive mice is based on tilt-sensor technology; it generates cursor control when tipped or tilted. Designed to be used where the user needs it, the Body Sensor can be worn anywhere from head to toe or attached to anything which is then manipulated by the user. An alternative product for computer users with Muscular Dystrophy, Neurological conditions, Repetitive Strain or Stress Injury, Spinal Cord Disease or Injury, stroke, or Traumatic Brain Injuries or other condition.
Main Features:
- Compatible with all Hardware & Software wherever USB mice work- even with updates and future versions of the software.
- No CPU resources.
- Platform Independent PC, Mac, Android, SGD, AAC, Surfac.
- Unlimited Mounting options, adjustable sensitivity.
- Hands-free design.
- Fits the user's abilities.
Primary Specifications:
- Body sensor weighs less than 2 grams.
Options & Accessories:
- A cost-effective model that provides cursor control only.
- No clicking is provided, however, it is compatible with all hardware and software clicking products.
- Provides input for up to 2 external switches for activating clicks.
- Has the ability to generate left & right clicks and drag from a single switch.
eeZee PRO:
- Provides input for an external microphone for activating clicks.
- Has the ability to generate left & right clicks and drag. Utilizes sound detection (not speech recognition).
- Microphone input on the PRO model can be muted externally.