Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 


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This product has been discontinued.

Product Description: 

The Grid 2 is a communication and computer access software for Windows provides the tools needed to get talking.

Main Features: 

  • Grid sets are the pre-made vocabularies designed for use with The Grid 2. Each grid set is designed for a different user group, providing resources for all levels of language and alternative access. 
  • Fast Talker 2 grid set provides fast and accurate text communication for literate users and includes a series of accessible apps for Facebook, Skype, YouTube, email and much more.
  • Includes features to control everyday Windows programs without using a standard keyboard and mouse.
  • Any cell in The Grid 2 can be programmed to transmit a signal that can do anything from turning on your TV to opening your doors.
  • Features a number of built-in workspaces, including: Internet, Email, SMS, Skype, Music player, DVD player, Webcam, Word Processor.
  • Designed to be accessed by everyone, from those with complex disabilities to people with good motor control. Any grid can be set up to work with:
    • Eye gaze systems: Tobii, Alea Intelligaze, LC eyegaze and EyeTech Quick Glance.
      • Switch access with extensive options for maximum efficiency.
      • Direct access with options including magnified cells dwell selections and keyguards.
      • Pointer control including head mice and joysticks.
      • Standard keyboard and mouse.
      • Voice control for those using the software for computer access.

Options & Accessories: 

  • Translated into almost 20 different languages.
  • Comes with a range of high-quality adult and child voices.

More Information: 

This product is discontinued by the manufacturer, but it may still be available for purchase from third-party vendors. Try searching the product by name on the internet. Be careful as the manufacturer may no longer support it - or support it for long. A similar product is available from the manufacturer. See the entry for Grid 3.