Transition to Work and Independent Living
Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $225.00


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Product Description: 

The Life Skills Curriculum is a personal skills tutorial program that features 77 interactive online lessons designed for use by high school students or adults with cognitive or other disabilities. The curriculum is designed to that equip students with the knowledge and skills to set goals for themselves, make better personal choices, and to be responsible for their actions.

Main Features: 

  • Comes with 77 duplicatable PDF files, digital Books, and 77 interactive online lessons.
  • Includes 21 lessons for Employability Skills, 17 lessons for Financial Management Skills, 21 lessons for Social Skills, 10 lessons for Consumerism Skills, and eight lessons for Student/Special Issues.
  • Teachers’ guides, lesson plans, record keeping logs, pre- and post-assessments, alignments to standards, certificates of achievement, and other support materials are provided at no extra cost.
  • Duplicatable books are available in digital format (Word or PDF) after purchase at no additional cost, which allows the print to be enlarged and the materials to be put into alternate formats.
  • All of the interactive CD-ROMs and online lessons have audio and print, along with companion books.
  • Designed to work with text-to-speech readers.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Requires Adobe Flash Player.
  • Available in the cloud and on flash drives.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.(link is external) 

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