Product Description:
The Mini-Auggie H-19 is a portable augmentative communication device for use by people with communication or speech disabilities. It consists of a PocketPC (HP iPaq 2495) loaded with Point To Pictures - Mobile (PTP-Mobile) software. The unit is touch-sensitive and comes with built-in voice recording capability and the Mayer-Johnson PCS library on an SD card.
Main Features:
- Touch-sensitive display.
- Mayer-Johnson PCS library on an SD card.
- Comes with built-in voice recording abilities, and no external editing device is necessary.
- An unlimited number of 'pages' with up to 25 pictures per page can be stored, jumped to, and retrieved.
- Full-screen display of the selected picture, which is designed to enhance the 'speaking' power of the device.
- The rugged case is almost all speaker.
- The PTP-Mobile AAC program can be operated by touching the screen, or through auto- or step-scanning with the optional cordless switch interface.
- Scanning can be visual or auditory.
- Voices are NeoSpeech Kate and Paul.
Primary Specifications:
- Weighs 1.2 pounds.
- Rechargeable battery life is all day.
- Can interface with a PC with Windows 98 SE or greater.
Options & Accessories:
Accessories are available for purchase for this product(s). These include, but are not limited to:
- Cordless Mini-Auggie Switch Interface.
- Remind Me: PPC software for reminders and activity guidance.
More Information:
See Manufacturer's website.(link is external)