Natural Voices - SAPI 5 Compatible
Product Type:
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name:
Product Description:
Natural Voices is a speech synthesis software, which allows it in conjunction with a sound card to convert a written text into speech (text-to-speech) and have them pronounced in German language with male or female voice. Natural Voices is supported by some screen readers for visually impaired and blind people, by some software-based communication aids for non-speaking people as well as other programs.
Main Features:
- emphasis in the sentence reading mode (prosody)
- exception dictionary for special or different pronunciation
- built-name database for first and last name
- break the language even within words possible
- control codes for breaks, accents, DTMF tones, etc.
- Technology: diphone-based (rule-based, by a processor generated speech output) with further linkage algorithms
Primary Specifications:
- supports Microsoft SAPI 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1
- supports SSML component of VoiceXML and SAPI interface standards
- SAPI interface and SSIL-compliant software
- (eg for screen readers: ZoomText, Jaws, OutSpoken, Virgo, Window Eyes)
- supports the Speech Access Manager (SAM) of Dolphin
More Information:
For more information on this product, please refer to the manufacturer's website.