This is not a page for a specific "TV Headset". It is a placeholder for the many TV Headset that are out on the market. Because there are so many of them, and they are easy to find by doing an internet search, we do not attempt to include them in our database. See the More Information section for suggested search terms to use.

Product Description: 

TV headsets are assistive listening devices that allow wearers to more easily hear a TV's audio without increasing the volume or disturbing others around them. Some models can also double as personal amplifier systems—hit "pause," and the built-in microphone can switch to amplifying persons speaking and other ambient noise in your immediate environment. Most models are wireless and use a separate wireless transmitter device, rather than built-in Bluetooth. 

Main Features: 

These are common features found with this type of product. Not all products will have all features - so look at individual products to find the one that provides the features you need.

  • Allows wearer to more easily hear a TV's audio.
  • Eliminates the need to turn TV volume up louder, which can disturb the rest of the house/office.
  • Adjustable volume.

Where To Buy: 

This is a generic entry. This type of product is available from many vendors. Type or paste the following search phrase into your preferred web browser: "TV headset for hearing impaired," "wireless TV headset for hearing impaired." 

Options & Accessories: 

  • Multiple headsets can be worn (and volume-controlled independently) at the same time.
  • Some models can double as personal amplifier—hit the "pause" button and the microphone switches to amplifying the ambient sounds/persons speaking around you.
  • Most models include a cord for manually plugging into a TV if the wireless transmitter does not work.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Uses wireless radiowaves transmitter and not Bluetooth.
  • Most models are compatible with analog audio connections, which are found on older TVs. Newer "smart" TVs often require analog-to-optical audio converters in order to use this product.
  • 2 AAA batteries required.

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