
Video Voice Speech Training System

Version 3.0
Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 


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Product Description: 

The Video Voice Speech Training System is a free speech development software program featuring displays and games designed to enhance therapy results with speech issues related to autism, apraxia, head injury, stroke, hearing impairment, cerebral palsy, oral motor articulation deficits, mental or emotional challenges, and other disabilities. Therapist-defined content and adaptable operation make it appropriate for ages ranging from early childhood through geriatric.

Main Features: 

  • Provides graphic representations of vocal sounds on a color monitor.
  • More than 17 games and 16 colorful graphic displays have over 75 variations to offer new ways to illustrate vowel production, word articulation, pitch and volume control, duration, inflection, speaking rate, connected speech, and other elements of speech.
  • The therapist controls the program content, reward levels, and other aspects of the operation and can customize the program for individuals in their caseloads.
  • Visual models and their audio components can be stored for reuse, and are adjustable to reflect each individual speaker's production, as well as changes or improvements.
  • Single session performance and cross-time progress can be tracked with built-in recordkeeping and reporting facilities.
  • Only a microphone is required for voice capture and replay.
  • includes an International/Simplified operating mode, which extends utility for ESL training and foreign language therapy. 
  • Multi-Frequency Displays help with work on high-frequency sound distortions.
  • Built-in recordkeeping and reporting capabilities help the user quantify performance and track progress over time in tabular or graphic form.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Runs on computers with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and NT, as well as Macintosh OS X with Windows desktop emulation.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.