
Assists Clicking

Menu showing time until break, options, and other functions.

Software that works by intelligently monitoring cursor moves on the screen. When users pause, Nib performs the mouse click for them. 

A menu toolbar with various icons displaying different mouse click options.

Software for people who can use the mouse but cannot click a standard mouse button. This software allows users to alternatively perform mouse clicks (left, right, double click, drag and drop).

HeadDev head motion detector screen featuring a yellow square around a user's head and a white square around a person's nose.

A facial mouse that allows users to handle the mouse pointer with head movements. It is a standard USB webcam facial mouse that allows full person-computer interaction, without the use of hands, cables, sensors, or any other device that limits or interferes with the user.  

Dwell Clicker 2 menu featuring mouse options and tools.

A Windows application that allows a user to use a mouse or other pointing device without clicking buttons. It is ideal for people with RSI and people who use alternative pointing devices such as a head pointer or joystick.

Small, corded, black device a little longer than a mouse with a red button.

A compact ‘V’ shaped hand control that can operate on OS devices, emulate single or multiple keyboard functions and factory set to the user's requirements. 

USB port with two switch jacks.

The Smartbox Joycable lets users attach one or two 3.5mm switches to a communication aid.

Rectangular device with five ports on the bottom.

Switch Interface Pro 6.0 contains five ports that allow users to plug multiple switches and emulate multiple functions, from a single-click to a return. Users push a button to change function sets. It requires no software and can be used with Windows and Macintosh computers.