
Assists entering letters, words, numbers

White computer keyboard with tan, black, and red keys; keypad at left; and, an integrated keypad.

ABP KT 10 Small Field Keyboards work much like standard keyboards, but offer many possibilities of use that facilitate the operation of the PC system in daily use. Optional enhancements include a palm rest, finger guide, touchpad, hulapoint or trackball, and the adjustment for left or right handed people.

The word "ViTre" in bold, green and blue font, with the words "software by ScanDis" to the right, also in blue font.

A program that helps to read and write texts. 

White keyboard with arrow controls to the right

ABP GFT Classic are large-field keyboards. The keys Ctrl, Alt, AltGr, Shift and Windows are equipped with a hold function, which allows complete operation with one hand (or foot, etc.). In addition, 50 keys are freely programmable to facilitate repetitive operations.

Logo with letters J and A next to one another on a background shade of light blue and above a large S on a larger background area of yellow.

A program for inputting data with a single switch for people with limited visual capabilities, as with Locked-in Syndrome.

Screen shot of a Command Prompt with a list of files available in a directory and a list of commands.

Morseall allows people with limited mobility to use a computer. 

Stroke to letter legend featuring the alphabet and an option for capitalization.

A unistroke text entry method that works on a variety of devices.

On-screen keyboard with keys with a blue background.

An On-Screen Keyboard.

Kommunikationsprogramm Momo SK word processing window.

A writing and communication program that supports the visually impaired with voice output, on-screen keyboard with mouse, joystick, switch mouse or MOMO sensor adapter as well as single sensors for those users with motor disabilities.

Device similar to a printer shown printing numbers and mathematical operations.

A device that allows users to create and modify overlays using simple tools, which supports learning for motion and cognitive disability students and also has customizable features to meet their needs.

Rectangular device with two jack plugs in the center and two additional ports on each side.

This keyboard emulator completely replaces a standard keyboard and a computer mouse.