
Assists with Pointing and Clicking

A rectangular device with six lightbulbs in a cross shape with one on. In the lower right corner, there is an attached cord and connector.

A device with alternative switches that can activate technology for use by individuals with motor difficulties.

A black rectangular device with a gray digital screen.

Allows users to simulate the operation of an original PlayStation 3 controller from a wheelchair joystick.

Person looking at the web camera that is attached on the computer screen for face detection.

A Linux-based application for the open-source GNOME desktop environment designed toward aiding the physically impaired community by providing control of the mouse pointer using a low-cost webcam that can interpret a user's head movement as computer input.

Wii controller connected on its left side and connected to a 4-port switch adaptor.

Wii controller specially adapted with a plug socket that replaces buttons on the controller. Replaces AB and 1-2. It can also be customized to other functions of the controller.

Display screen with mounting arm.

An eye-controlled communication device featuring the MyTobii software. Everything, including a 15-inch screen, eye control sensor, and a computer is integrated into one unit.

Cylindrical device with a black top.

A head mouse tracker that is designed to replace a regular mouse.

Face-tracking screen with photo of face and detection screens.

An open-source gaze tracker for use with ordinary webcams. It is designed to be a low-cost software alternative to commercial hardware-based eye trackers.

Side view of the blue Switcheroo showing three input jacks.

Switcheroo is a button and a switch interface designed to help teach pointer-finger use. The button acts as a mouse click within any software when pressed.


An input device that enables computer users to control both the direction and speed of the cursor with a single, soft touch.