
Controls/Connections are operable with one hand

Origin ID: 
Round, yellow switch button with three connector jacks on the side attached to an adjustable arm.

The iPad/Tablet Super-Switch (H-65) is a large switch (button) with the Bluetooth Switch Interface (BSS) for iPads and tablets.

Adjustable, standing arm attached with a document reading camera and panel of control buttons on the interior, vertical side.

Standing scanning device for documents with high precision.

Large buttons attached with iPod mount.

A control device to help people with fine motor disabilities.

Large Button activation switch, one button panel, two button panel, and four button panel.

Pediatric assistive tool to help kids learn and operate computer systems.

Single, red domed button with input jacks on backside.

The iSwitch is a Bluetooth switch that allows the integral 75mm switch and up to two additional switches to be connected to an iPad, iPhone, Android or any other platform supporting Bluetooth connectivity.

Rectangular unit with three green buttons horizontally across the center and a port for the connecter cable along the right edge. Connector cable also pictured.

APPlicator is a Bluetooth switch access device that provides switch access to Apps, Music, and Camera on any iPad or iPhone or any other Bluetooth-connected tablet or computer.

A device similar to a typewriter but with few buttons and an adjuster on top.

Designed for one hand and works like other braille writers, except the keys for dots 1, 2, and 3 will remain in a locked position until dots 4, 5, and 6 are added or until the spacebar is depressed.

A palm-sized remote with color-coded buttons with large text. The remote has a row of three buttons to control three devices.

Palm-sized 3-device or 4-device universal remote.