
Displays text as Braille

Duxbury Braille Translator screenshot including a text pop up print menu and braille output in the background.

Provides translation of text from print to braille and from braille to print. 

A rectangular device with a braille keyboard on top of front face and braille display on bottom of front face.

Braille EDGE 40 is a refreshable Braille display that also helps users manage daily activities.

Front view of buttons and braille display; device fits in hand.

Portable 14-cell Braille display with five simultaneous Bluetooth connections and a USB 2.0 connection for a sixth. It provides access to mobile devices and personal computer systems.

Cicero Text Reader logo in purple and yellow.

A text reader that turns a computer and scanner into a reading machine for people with visual limitations. Printed text documents are placed on the scanner and can then be translated into speech, Braille or held as a text document which can be adjusted, saved, edited and printed.

Black rectangular tablet with 32" screen and control buttons beneath the display.

A braille notetaker and tablet that combines the capabilities of the KeySoft software and the Android 8.1 operating system.

Large rectangular Braille keyboard with four buttons in an arched position on each half of the object.

The Brailliant braille displays are two-way devices that enable users to both access information on a computer or mobile device as well as type on their devices indirectly by using the braille keyboard.

A device similar to a typewriter but with few buttons and an adjuster on top.

Designed for one hand and works like other braille writers, except the keys for dots 1, 2, and 3 will remain in a locked position until dots 4, 5, and 6 are added or until the spacebar is depressed.

Blue and white typewriter-like machine with braille keyboard and typing display screen.

The SMART Brailler enables multi-sensory learning through visual, tactile, and auditory feedback. It allows users to edit, save, and transfer brailled documents to digital text files via USB to read the document on a computer.

A blue brailler with a typewriter-like front with control keys, printing slit, and power cord.

The Large Cell Brailler has a 40% larger cell than the Classic Perkins Brailler, and the distance between the cells is ~50% wider. Enlarged braille cells creating more space between dots to accommodate people with tactile challenges.

A device similar to typewriter but with limited buttons, an adjuster on top and an electric cord on the side.

The Electric Perkins Brailler reduces key force requirements to produce quality braille, allowing a person who has weak fingers, whose hands are not fully functional, or who has arthritis to braille quicker and more comfortably.