
Selection Method

Square red image with a white conversation bubble in the middle with a lowercase letter p, colored in red, inside.

A text-to-speech alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) app designed for people who are literate but have lost the ability to speak possibly due to cerebral palsy, motor neuron disease, laryngectomy, stroke, apraxia or brain injury.

Logo in the form of a rounded square with a drawing of a colorful house in the upper right corner and different colored blocks around it.

A customizable alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) app for people with speech and language difficulties, including autism, aphasia and cerebral palsy. It offers grid pages, scenes or hybrid pages to support communication for children and adults that benefit from the use of Widgit symbols and photos.

The Proloquo icon menu, consisting of various words illustrated by images below.

Proloquo is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solution for Mac OS X.

Keyboard with text viewing screen attached to top.

A keyboard-based communication device that enables users to compose messages with a full-size QWERTY keyboard.

A round blue disk with an illustration in the middle of two people with the label "friends" below and two volume buttons to the right.

A transparent cap, with an opening to quickly slide in overlays, snaps onto the Big Button. The cap extends nearly to the table surface, giving the Big Button a large active area with a low profile.

urVoice Logo as a polished head bust with a speech bubble.

An Augmentative and alternative text-to-speech Communication App. The user types and urVoice speaks it. The words can be saved as a Quick Phrase to be used later (and a picture can even be included).

8 cells featured on a case with a carrying handle; each cell includes illustrations of people with various text above them, such as "eat" and "drink."

Multi-level AAC devices designed to aid communication through direct selection. Using “Real-Voice” technology, the Tech/Plus provides speech playback.

Tech/Scan with batteries, DVD, and external button. Device features 8 panels with illustrations of people and various text above such as "friends" and "thank you."

The Tech/Scan 8 is a multi-level augmentative and alternative communication device.

Black rectangular device with 2 rows of four message buttons and software DVD.

A multi-level message communicator. Using Real-Voice technology, the Tech/Talk provides speech playback.

A black rectangular device with 32 message icons with text above such as "breakfast" and "shower." A DVD and strap are also featured.

Multi-level AAC aids designed to assist communication through direct selection.