
Speech Output

Screenshot of handwritten text next to a transcription software dialogue on a Windows computer.

A range of software AAC and captioning software, specifically designed for individuals with communication disabilities, and individuals who are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and have difficulty writing/typing, speaking, and/or reading.

Screenshot of a word processing program creating a transcript.

Creates a written transcript of existing audio or video content and automatically captions live audio content as it occurs. It can be used in classrooms, business meetings, and other situations in which presentations are made.

Black platform base that says "DigiCite" in light green font, with an off-white, rectangular device placed on top.

Electronic device that converts LED displays to speech output. It works with telephone consoles, measurement, recording and test equipment, and many other electronic devices.

A tall, black, and cylindrical device resembling a tower. A quote reads, "Alexa, what's the weather?"

Hands-free speaker users control with their voice that is linked to the Amazon Alexa Voice Service, a virtual assistant.  

Rectangular handheld device with screen showing a six-square grid with images in each section.

A handheld communication aid for people with speech disabilities that can be operated with one hand.

Nuance Text-to-Speech

Text-to-speech technology that leverages neural network techniques to provide a human‑like, engaging, and personalized user experience for customer self‑service applications.

Nuance Automatic Speech Recognition

Automatic speech recognition software designed to increase the efficiency of customer self-service applications that uses neural network-based recognition to provide more accurate, conversational responses.

Side view of tablet-sized device with colorful grid of symbols on the display screen.

A portable, lightweight, speech-generating device that includes the Mind Express software with SymbolStix symbols.

Small black square electronic device attached to a neck strap with a display showing a grid of four images.

A portable augmentative communication device for use by people with communication or speech disabilities. It consists of a PocketPC (HP iPaq 2495) loaded with Point To Pictures - Mobile (PTP-Mobile) software.

Elderly women with a walker connected to child-sized robot on wheels.

A mobile robot designed to assist the elderly, people with disabilities, and others who need special care.