


 Indepen Logo with the letters INDE as all capital letters written in black and PEN in blue. This is preceded by a magnifying glass icon that has a view of a compass, protractor, and pen.

A web application that works similar to a cloud, where users can import exercises and share them. These exercises can be solved by making use of the existing digital measuring instruments. This web application is directed to students with disabilities.

WordSmith v2.0 pronunciation tutor window with pronunciation and syllable exceptions tabs. The pronunciation tab features information for pronouncing the word "consolidation."

An integrated toolbar that provides the key tools to be a fluent and proficient writer for users of Microsoft Word 97, 2000 and XP and offers a distinct advantage in the development of literacy skills.

Kidiso browser with navigation panes to the left and right and menu options and search bar at the top.

Software program developed by Network. The primary executable is named Kidiso internet.exe.

​Voce Viva Accessibility text input with word prediction screen.

A Text-to-speech (TTS) software that helps to facilitate writing and voice communication for those with limited motor abilities that prevent them from using a keyboard and mouse.

Icon of man with a yellow helmet and mic.

Software that enables people with a mental challenge to communicate with their relatives, friends, and carers.

Windows Narrator (Screen Reader) logo

The Windows Narrator (Screen Reader) component provides a text-to-speech utility for users who have low vision.

Web Visum Settings menu.

Web browsing software for the visually impaired.

Logo that reads "Voce Viva" at the top and contains a grid of letters transposed over an icon of a person speaking.

Free voice reading app for daily newspapers with over 800 everyday items to listen to mp3 audio.

Screen shot of a Word Perfect letter written using this product.

This product has been discontinued and is no longer supported and serviced (mm/dd/yyyy).

EZ Keys is a RAM-resident keyboard modification program designed for use by individuals with upper extremity disabilities.

A screenshot of the app's page featuring 3 well-spaced and large buttons labeled: Task Analysis, Social Story, and Communication Table.

Free Android application that provides the user with a set of tools and communication tables to support people with autism or pervasive developmental disorders. It has text to speech capabilities and teaches social stories or sequences of operations (task analysis).