Products that match: Access to Entertainment
377 Results
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Operating System
A full color, portable magnifying and reading device for visually impaired users that can be used for magnification, distance viewing, and as a mirror.
Software that enables users to read and/or produce a wide variety of types of digital talking books that are accessible to both users who are visually impaired and users who are blind.
An accessible word puzzle program for people who are visually impaired. It lets the user create or solve hidden word and crossword puzzles in large print and with speech feedback.
Device that allows users to operate their mobile phones hands-free, designed for users with Multiple Sclerosis or other upper body disabilities.
A hand-held coin counting calculator that features realistic coin and dollar buttons and has an easy-to-read LCD screen display with animated voice, sound effects for feedback, and an automatic shutoff.
A battery-powered, portable, receiver that allows the user to benefit from an Audio Frequency Induction Loop System using a standard pair of stereo headphones.
A simple stimulating app for people of all ages with special/complex needs. It is designed to be visually stimulating and suitable for a range of abilities.
A fully foldable and portable desktop HD video magnifier with a 15.6” screen. It includes close, distance, and self-viewing modes.
A Windows-based program developed specifically for students with special needs that consists of 12 "fun" segments with a factory and assembly line theme. It is an age appropriate cause & effect program but can also be used with younger children for its sound and graphics.
A wireless double-sided braille embosser that produces Library of Congress standard braille and 8 different dot heights.
Voice-output reading machine designed for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision. This device integrates a scanner, optical character recognition (OCR), voice synthesis, a Daisy player, and a CD-ROM drive in a single unit.
A digital talking book player pre-loaded with a digital Bible.
Voice-output program designed for use by individuals with low vision.
Digital talking book player program designed for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision.
Voice output reading machine designed for individuals who are blind or have low vision.
Voice-output reading machine (text-to-speech) designed for individuals who are blind or have low vision.
Emergency alert system with monitoring service designed for use by individuals with disabilities or seniors who are at risk for medical emergencies. The system includes activity monitoring, emergency alert buttons, direct caregiver access to monitoring through the Internet, and an individualizable TV channel through which the caregiver can send messages.
A program designed for young, emerging readers or students with disabilities.
Audio loop amplification system designed for use by individuals who are hard of hearing.
Digital talking book player designed for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision.
Digital talking book player program designed for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision. This software can be used to play digital talking books that meet the international DAISY standards, including those distributed by Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D).
Talking book player app, designed for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision.
A free, Windows-based program that enables people with severe physical disabilities to use their eyes to play Minecraft.
A free program for blind and visually-impaired people that opens PDF and image files as plain text.
A free program for blind and visually-impaired people that lets them listen to dozens of live BBC radio stations online.