Products that match: School Subjects
122 Results
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Operating System
Educational product designed for children to learn how to code. Users can code this app-enabled robotic ball to display characters, vector graphics, sensor data or play games on the matrix itself.
Spelling tutorial program designed for use by children with cognitive or learning disabilities.
A language and speech stimulation program designed for use by people with communication disabilities that enables them to focus on individual words.
A language tutorial program for those recovering from a stroke or brain injury-related speech and memory loss that is designed to provide cognitive training in the use of verbs and prepositions.
A language tutorial program designed to help those recovering from a stroke or brain injury related speech and memory loss that provides drills in building and understanding vocabulary.
A language tutorial program designed to teach sentence structure as part of a treatment for aphasia and brain injury.
Software programs that are compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform and cover the fundamentals of visual discrimination, then moves towards developing phonemic awareness and eventual reading comprehension exercises.
Science education software programs compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform and designed for students on the autism spectrum.
Software compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform that contains a broad selection of programs designed for students with a range of learning challenges.
Software compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform that includes seven programs designed for students with autism.
Flashcard iOS app designed for children who have communication disabilities that allows the user to record speech to go with the flashcards.
Series of iOS apps to improve pre-reading and writing skills. Designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with developmental disabilities or autism.
A language tutorial program designed for use with children with communication or hearing disabilities that teaches how to read the names of over 80 animals, birds, and insects by playing five games.
An articulation training app for use by speech and language therapists and parents working with children who have communication or speech disabilities, it is designed to help children practice the correct pronunciation of their English sounds.
A series of articulation training apps designed for use by children or adults who have communication or speech disabilities or autism and by speech and language therapists and parents working with these people.
A speech and language training tutorial app designed for use by speech and language therapists and parents working with children who have communication or speech disabilities.
An animated sign language resource designed for use by students who are deaf or hard of hearing that teachers can integrate into the software they already use.
An American Sign Language (ASL) training program designed for use by children who are deaf or hard of hearing that includes the complete three-CD set of ASL Tales and Games for Kids. It features a series of stories that happen in the neighborhood of Paws, the signing dog.
A reading, language, and vocabulary tutorial app designed for use by children with developmental or learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder or language disabilities.
A reading, language, and vocabulary tutorial program designed for use by children with developmental or learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder or language disabilities.
An online reading tutorial program designed to improve reading for individuals with dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyspraxia with reading deficits, or visual attention deficit disorder (ADD).
An interactive language program for children with special needs that is designed to strengthen the labeling of nouns, verbs, and objects, and the production of two- and three-part sentences.
Reading and spelling tutorial app for children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder. This app is an interactive game that teaches a combination of high frequency and 255 different "sight words."
An educational game designed for use by children who are deaf or hard of hearing that enhances vocabulary and teaches fingerspelling and phonics skills.
A family of educational and computer games created by a team of educators; physical, occupational, and speech-language therapists; and assistive technology practitioners designed to entertain children with disabilities of developmental ages 2-to-8 years.