
Home Automation, Monitoring, and Control

A person with limited mobility may have difficulty keeping track of what is happening in their home.  Also, a caregiver may need, at times, to be in a different room than the person they are caring for.  Remote monitors and controls can take several forms.

  • Room monitors (the most common type are "baby monitors") allow keeping track of what is happening in a room without being present.
  • A more specialized type of monitoring allows tracking temperature (either indoor or outdoor) without being present.
  • Electronic Aids to Daily Living (sometimes called "environmental controls") allow the user to control lights, appliances, and entertainment systems as a sort of super remote control.

What kind of accommodation are you looking for?

Show all products in the Home Automation, Monitoring, and Control category (43)

  • Room monitors (9) - Keep track of what is happening in a room across the house
  • Temperature Monitors (5) - Be aware of temperatures inside or outside of the house.
  • Environmental Controls (18) - Allows a person with limited mobility to control appliance, lights, and devices.
  • Other (18) - Products in the "Home Automation, Monitoring, and Control" category that do not fit into one or more of the categories above