Product Type: 
Device modifier
Approximate Cost: $15.00


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Product Description: 

Fun With Directions is a series of voice output vocabulary tutorial apps and cause and effect and behavior training apps designed for use by language therapists and parents working with children who have cognitive, communication, developmental, or learning disabilities or autism.

Fun With Directions

Includes 10 concepts.

Fun With Directions Lite

Includes two concepts.

More Fun With Directions HD

Includes 12 concepts.

More Fun With Directions Lite

Includes two concepts.

Main Features: 

These features are common to all versions:

  • Designed to provide a fun and engaging way to practice listening, following directions, colors, spatial concepts, auditory memory, and auditory processing.
  • The apps allow a therapist or parent to help children to practice listening, auditory memory, and auditory processing as well as following directions and learning colors and spatial concepts.
  • It will teach a child to receive and follow simple directions, such as "Touch the cat," and more complex sets of instructions, such as "With your orange crayon, color the large one that is furry pet and likes to chase mice."
  • Colorful, vivid art and animations against a white background combine to create a complete game experience without visual clutter. 
  • Sound effects and surprises are designed to keep the game engaging.
  • Includes settings to turn the text output on or off (to practice reading versus listening), selecting specific concepts, and selecting the desired level of play (easy, intermediate, or advanced).
  • The user can turn on the "Superstar Direction" option, which causes surprise questions to pop up at random times for additional practice remembering and expressive language.
  • The child's response to each question is recorded and can be played back.

Fun With Directions includes these additional features:

  • The app teaches 10 concepts: give, touch, open, close, top, middle, bottom, push, color, and erase.

Fun With Directions Lite includes these additional features:

  • The app teaches two concepts: give and touch.

More Fun With Directions HD includes these additional features:

  • The app focuses on 12 opposing concepts: turn on and turn off; up and down; front and behind; on and under; put in and take out; above and below.

More Fun With Directions Lite includes these additional features:

  • The app focuses on two concepts: behind and put in. 

Primary Specifications: 

These specifications are common to all versions:

  • Requires iOS 8.0 or later.
  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

More Information: 

See Fun With Directions(link is external) in Apple’s App Store.

See Fun With Directions Lite(link is external) in Apple’s App Store.

See More Fun With Directions HD(link is external) in Apple’s App Store.

See More Fun With Directions Lite(link is external) in Apple’s App Store.