ITouchiLearn Life Skills: Morning Routines
Product Description:
iTouchiLearn Morning Routines is an iOS app for teaching children who have cognitive, communication, learning or speech disabilities independent living and personal skills. This app allows children to learn about morning routine life skills through music, animation, verbal directions, and interactive activities. The child progresses through each routine and receives virtual rewards for completing a task through patterned activity sequences that provide a structural framework and games that use multiple learning modes to teach concepts.
Main Features:
- Reinforces Life Skills through Engaging Music and Hands-On Interaction.
- Animations, interaction, and virtual rewards motivate children and focus their attention.
- Games use multiple learning modes to teach concepts.
- Patterned activity sequences ideal for toddler, preschool, and kids with special needs.
- Verbal directions and modeling aid children with speech difficulties.
- Supplements Play and Speech Therapy and builds communication skills.
Primary Specifications:
- Requires iOS 6.0 or later.
- Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
More Information:
See product in Apple's App Store.
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