

Aids to the instructor to make lessons accessible, and aids for students to learn from lessons.
Blue square with drawing of a young boy standing with his arms behind his back and his mouth open.

A symbolic and direct selection communicator program for people with communication disabilities and autism.

Children's program featuring a white background page and a left-hand menu with several icons to select and place on the page. In the foreground of the white page, there are 6 icons, with a "mind map" connecting the icons to form an idea.

Word processor program and writing skills training system designed for use by children with learning disabilities and others who learn better visually.

Picture of an iPhone showing app display a reward screen with a green toy truck and the task title "Get Dressed Yourself".

A motivational tool designed to help parents of children with autism, developmental delays, ADHD, and anxiety disorders.

Collage of a drawing of many children's faces arranged in a large circle against a yellow background.

A preschool multimedia duplicatable educational curriculum designed to teach children of all abilities to appreciate learning and make good decisions.

Drawing of two white geese with the numbers 1 and 2 on them in the lower left of a rectangular image with a blue background. On the right are two rows of two bowls each.

Software designed to help students with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, and developmental disabilities listen more effectively, follow a teacher's directions, and more fully participate in an inclusionary classroom.

White trapezoidal stand connected to a long black, curved neck with a round disc-shaped camera at the end.

A high-definition classroom document camera designed to help students who require visual and interactive learning techniques.

Screenshot of a drawing of a pink bird in the lower-left corner with block letters spelling bird across top against a background of the sky with clouds.

A pre-reading and spelling interactive game app designed for use by teachers and speech-language pathologists working with children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.

Screenshot of a colorful drawing of a smiling fish in water-centered near the top of the image with blocked letters spelling the word fish below it.

A pre-reading and spelling interactive game app for children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.

Rectangular image block with a colorful drawing of five goofy characters and the program's name spelled out across the top with different colored letters.

An interactive educational app for use by children with communication, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder that will help them learn their ABCs and build their vocabulary.

Screenshot showing a drawing of a boy signing in the upper left and a large computer with a keyboard in the center.

An educational game designed for use by children who are deaf or hard of hearing that enhances vocabulary and teaches fingerspelling and phonics skills.