
Personal Support

Assistance with self-care and self management tasks.
Small black and gray handheld device with four control buttons on top and a speaker in the middle.

A multi-step auditory cueing device for a single activity designed for use by individuals with memory loss or cognitive disabilities.

Black, half-moon shaped device with two speakers at either end, left and right facing red arrows buttons, and four display windows across the top.

A short-term teaching tool and long-term adaptive aid for individuals with memory loss or cognitive disabilities.

Open photo album with black cover on the left and white pages on the right.

A photo album designed to be used by individuals who are visually impaired or have memory loss conditions such as Alzheimer's or Dementia.

Square image with speaker on top and notepad paper on bottom.

A productivity app that syncs recorded audio with the notes taken during a recording. The app is suited for children who are easily distracted or who may not understand something a teacher has said during a lesson.

Short, cylindrical device with a red LED lighted dome at the top. It has a blue base and two colored bands around the base that users can rotate, one green and one yellow.

Visual and auditory-based timer that is accessible to users with cognitive, developmental, or print disabilities.

Image of city skyline in the background with an older man walking with a cane in the foreground standing in the middle of a circle.

A mobility tracking app that allows the location of a person with Alzheimer's to be monitored.

A round blue device with a small LED light on the bottom and sounds waves coming from a white dot in the center. Next to it is a quarter that is about the same size.

A coin-sized tracking device used to enable the user to find everyday items.

White square with an analog clock face with no numbers and two thirds of face filled in with the color red.

A timer app designed for use by parents and teachers working with children with autism or other developmental or cognitive disabilities and youth and adults who have disabilities that affect their ability to keep track of time.

Screenshot of a map indicating where the user is currently located.

A voice input program and cognitive aid designed for use by individuals with spinal cord injury or upper extremity, vision, learning, cognitive and memory disabilities or brain injury.

Rounded blue square with cartoon image of the head of a cow with horns.

A to-do app that can help people with ADD/ADHD get more organized.