
Personal Support

Assistance with self-care and self management tasks.
Round, silver device with a small light on the bottom and a black ballon shape with sounds waves in the center.

A coin-sized tracking device used to enable the user to find everyday items. It is suited for individuals who have brain injuries, Alzheimer's Disease, and other memory disabilities.

Blue square with a ship steering wheel in the center.

An app for people with intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, early onset dementia, and certain learning disabilities designed to help them remember when to perform key activities.

Several different models of vibrating watches. They resemble standard digital wristwatches. One is black, one is yellow, another is multi-colored, and the fourth is lavender.

Standard wristwatches that are accessible to people with hearing impairments or anyone who is frequently in a noisy environment by featuring vibration, haptic-based alarms. 

Four different pill dispensers, including one round one with a smartphone next to it.

Pill organizers accompanied by medication reminder apps that are designed for use by individuals with Alzheimer's Disease, brain injury, or cognitive or memory disabilities. 

Several different models of talking clocks. They resemble standard digital alarm clocks, but some have additional color-coded menu buttons. One model displays both the time as well as the date and day of the week.

Voice output clock that speaks aloud the time/date. Many models also serve as memory aids.

Package box with teal-colored side and black front with an image of a hand holding a smartphone and keychain attached to a diamond-shaped device emitting sound waves.

A wireless, multifunction lost item finder designed for use by individuals with vision or memory disabilities that find anything within 150 feet.

Different models of talking watches. They resemble standard digital wristwatches. Two are black, and two are silver.

Watches that speak the time and/or date out loud. 

Rectangular handheld device with screen showing a six-square grid with images in each section.

A handheld communication aid for people with speech disabilities that can be operated with one hand.

Angled view of software box, light blue cover and white border with text along side panel.

Speech recognition software designed for home users.

Large rectangular monitor displaying a magnified puzzle with open magazine resting on the stand below it.

A foldable digital magnifier designed for seniors and elementary students that enables users to read documents, textbooks, and newspapers as well as to write down notes.