
Putting information or instructions into the computer

Accommodations that assist with the keyboard or mouse, or other ways of entering information.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home software box.

Speech recognition program designed for home users.

White color mouse with the letter m written on it

Mouse Gestures are a fast way to execute commands without using the keyboard, menus or toolbars

Launcher 6 logo

The Launcher6 application can be used as a simple interface for launching programs, a simple electronic speech aid, or as a multimedia game spinner.

A computer screen and keyboard alongside a white console and several adapted switches.

Adapted Mouse operation with special switches or joystick is attained by using the I-Mouse switch box and its software. It connects to the USB port of the PC and is ready for switches (up to 10) to be plugged in. Adjusting all necessary settings is easy using the monitor.

Laptop with eye-tracking device placed between the laptop keyboard and screen.

An eye-tracking device that attaches to the computer and replaces the standard mouse, enabling users to navigate and control a desktop or laptop computer using only their eyes.

An oblong device with a camera lens at the center and IR-LED spots at either end of the device.

A system that allows the easy integration of flexible gaze-controlled computer systems, which allow people with severe physical handicaps the effective communication and environmental control.

bumble bee cartoon pointer next to mmFollow logo

Application that adds a cartoon to the mouse cursor.

OnScreen Communicator keyboard

An on-screen communicator for those with impaired motor skills.

HotSpots on solitaire card game screen.

This product has been discontinued (02/28/2018).

With HotSpots, you can define a series of ‘spots’ on the screen that the mouse pointer scans.

a search browser screen with virtual keyboard underneath search bar

RapidKey provides you with a new Windows functionality. This software autocompletes text phrases and autoexpands shorthands in any Windows applications.