
Read electronic text aloud

Libro Parlato CILP App Icon

Libro Parlato CILP application provides the access to a catalog of about 9,000 audio books in several languages, recorded by professional readers selected directly from the CILP of Feltre.

Screenshot of Speak Screen options in iOS Settings.

Speak Screen is an iOS feature that will read the text displayed on a device screen.

A dark blue background with a white and orange pencil graphic.

An iOS app that proofreads your writing with text-to-speech (TTS).

Mads logo, an illustration of a large and small smiling blue mouth.

Voices is a Danish speech synthesizer for screen reading software. Once the speech is installed on the computer, it is ready to be used with internet reading, text processing, emails, spreadsheets, and reading in many teaching and learning environments.

Bibliotheekservice Passend Lezen logo consisting of a red six-sided polygon with a white and orange icon of a person reading a book inside it.

A service that converts documents such as package leaflets, contracts, instructions for use, letters, meeting documents or articles into the desired reading format.

Three green USB sticks with purple tops.

Software that reads text aloud and helps people of all ages with reading and learning disabilities to improve their reading and writing skills.

Rounded red square showing a stylized image of notebook paper and large quotes marks, and a blue stripe on the bottom with the lowercase word claro inside it.

A reading and writing app with text-to-speech, formatting controls, fonts and styles, and cloud storage integration.

AppWriter on a laptop, tablet, and smartphone featuring text typed on each screen.

An all-in-one assistive technology tool. It is an advanced text editor with all the necessary tools for reading and writing text in English.

Text from a story magnified on the screen with home, materials, read/write, and homework to the right.

An integrated solution designed for all students including those with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. iSmart will assist the student in the classroom and at home. 

Screenshot of a word processing program with selections of text highlighted in different colors.

Easy-to-use word processor designed to help individuals who have difficulty with reading and writing.