
Read electronic text aloud

VoiceReader screen.

This product has been discontinued and is no longer supported and serviced.

VoiceReader allows you to listen, sentence by sentence, to text created with VoiceMeeting and VoiceTranscribe and edit the text.

Personal Reader control tab with a large green play button on far left and two horizontal rows of function buttons, including pause, fast forward, and rewind.

A digital text reader that runs from a USB stick, usable on any PC without having to install it.

A device that appears like metallic blue-colored flash drive.

MyStick is a mobile screenreader that automatically starts from a U3 stick. With integrated WebFormator, complicated Internet contents can be detected. 

Kurzweil 3000 opened on a laptop and tablet device.

Αn educational software designed to provide literacy support for those who struggle with literacy in the classroom, at home, or in the workplace.

Screenshot of Reader window with a large toolbar and text being read below.

Reader reads text aloud from Windows programs.

Screenshot of navigation buttons and text "Io S co pro... Storia e Studi Sociali".

MozBraille is an extension to transform Mozilla or Firefox to a stand alone accessible Internet browser designed for blind or partially sighted users. 

Screenshot of Mac OS Voiceover menu to assign voice commands.

VoiceOver gives you auditory descriptions of each onscreen element and provides helpful hints along the way — whether you prefer using gestures, a keyboard, or a braille display.


Screader is a screen reader based on the Screen package. It reads the Linux virtual console screen and puts it through to a speech synthesizer without disturbing the running process.

Angled view of software box featuring images of bats flying across the cover.

A text recognition with voice output/reading system.

A woman wearing a headset and sitting in front of a computer monitor while using the LCD Reader.

This product has been discontinued.

Screen reader software.