
Magnify on-screen text

Screenshot of file manager showing a split-screen with documents on both sides and annotation marks on each.

A PDF reader app that can help individuals with communication problems by organizing PDFs of very large size, TXT documents with high-resolution graphics and pictures, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML files, and Safari web archives.

 Large black monitor attached to a stand with large dials on bottom left and right. The stand is attached to a large flat black surface for placing documents.

A foldable desktop video magnifier with an HD monitor and compact design.

Small rectangular electronic device with black frame and LCD display showing lines of enlarged text.

A handheld video magnifier that features a 7” LCD screen with anti-glare coating, an HD camera, and a built-in stand.

MultiView HD magnifying text from a magazine on to the monitor. The text is yellow on a black background.

Portable video magnifier that adapts to multiple environments and tasks for productivity at school, work, and at home.

A small, black, square device next to a remote for operating the device.

A small black box that plugs directly into a TV via an HDMI cable and includes a remote control. It features built-in read-aloud software called GuideReader, which helps individuals with visual impairments access books and other print materials. 

An arch of yellow, dark blue, and light blue slashes.

An accessible online library for people with print disabilities.

Medium-sized grey device with a rectangular screen with a black background that says the word "zoom" in high-contrast yellow font. To the right of the screen, there are two round menu buttons, one blue and one yellow.

Portable video magnifier device for users with low vision.

Large display monitor with a platform base underneath for placing documents and materials to magnify. The screen is displaying a zoomed-in view of a magazine.

High Definition desktop video magnifier with adjustable contrast, color modes, and reading lines. 

Claro MagX App Logo. The background is light and dark purple, and the logo itself is an illustration of white magnifying glass. The inside of the glass is black, and the letter "X" in white is being magnified. Beneath the logo, the word "claro" appears in white, sans-serif font.

App that converts the camera of a smartphone or tablet into a 16x magnification tool.

Monitor showing a girl with a red cap with a video magnifier below is mounted on a black clamp.

A desktop video magnifier that integrates camera technology with the different needs of users.