
Allows selection of preferred voice

PECS IV+ logo

PECS IV+ is an app for the iPad which helps transition learners who have mastered phases I through to IV of PECS to high tech AAC methods. It allows users to construct a multi-picture sentence strip using sentence starters. It uses synthesised and/or digitised voice output.

An icon of a mobile phone placed over a book to demonstrate text shown on the phone.

A professional text-to-speech program that converts any written text into spoken words. Upload text and documents or convert to mp3 to listen to anywhere anytime.

Square icon with rounded corners. The square features a peach, yellow, and green gradient fill. Inside the square, there is a "speech bubble" graphic in white.

Voice-recording app for iOS and Android.

ModelTalker logo

ModelTalker is a speech synthesis software designed to benefit people who are losing or who have already lost their ability to speak. It allows people to create a personalised and unique synthetic voice that is representative of their own or of a family member's voice. This personalised synthetic voice can then be used on speech generating devices with a speech output software or app.

App interface with command keys on the bottom left and a search bar along the top left.

A free, browser-based TTS app for converting text to speech. Since the app runs in the browser, it works independently of the operating system used.

An aac board on a tablet screen.

Grid Player is a free Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) app that helps people who cannot speak to communicate, including those who use symbols or whose speech is unclear. 

Screenshot of Eline Speaks featuring an on-screen keyboard and large icon buttons.

An alternative communication app that helps people with disabilities communicate with ease.

Laptop with a swivel display. The display has an AAC board.

Augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) aids.

Rounded red square showing a stylized image of notebook paper and large quotes marks, and a blue stripe on the bottom with the lowercase word claro inside it.

A reading and writing app with text-to-speech, formatting controls, fonts and styles, and cloud storage integration.

Icon menu showing a 4x6 grid of communications symbols of simply drawn stick figures and a text line at the top for stringing together the sentence.

An augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app with spell check, word prediction, and hotkeys that includes an additional training layer to equip parents and caregivers with the strategies involved in therapy.