
Assists with attention

Drawing of two white geese with the numbers 1 and 2 on them in the lower left of a rectangular image with a blue background. On the right are two rows of two bowls each.

Software designed to help students with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, and developmental disabilities listen more effectively, follow a teacher's directions, and more fully participate in an inclusionary classroom.

Screenshot of a drawing of a pink bird in the lower-left corner with block letters spelling bird across top against a background of the sky with clouds.

A pre-reading and spelling interactive game app designed for use by teachers and speech-language pathologists working with children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.

Screenshot of a dark software interface with a grid of 10 bright icons depicting various objects, with a subtitle underneath reading "Find the furniture."

Language and vocabulary tutorial program designed for use by children and adults with language-learning, developmental, physical, hearing, or visual disabilities, or autism.

Screenshot of a colorful drawing of a smiling fish in water-centered near the top of the image with blocked letters spelling the word fish below it.

A pre-reading and spelling interactive game app for children with language, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.

Photograph of a woman leaning over a table with her left hand on the keyboard of a laptop and her right hand on the side of her face, which is looking straight ahead.

A Web-based brain training and cognitive skills and memory improvement system designed to enhance or maintain memory and other cognitive functions in seniors, people with cognitive, neurological or memory disabilities or individuals with brain injury.

Vertical, rectangular image with a side view of a head in the center and a frequency graph line running through it.

An application designed for veterans, service members, and other individuals who experience physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that may be related to mild to moderate traumatic brain injury.

Software cover with a cartoon image of a bear in the lower right holding two balloons and waving.

Memory improvement and sign language programs using American Sign Language (ASL) and English designed for use by individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Picture of a boy in a white shirt reading a book with his left elbow on a surface and his left hand holding up his head. With his right hand, he holds the book open.

An online reading tutorial program designed to improve reading for individuals with dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyspraxia with reading deficits, or visual attention deficit disorder (ADD).

Fourteen colorful software boxes staggered standing next to each other.

A blend of programs compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform that are designed to reach students with profound and multiple learning disabilities.

Two rows of seven colorful software boxes staggered standing next to each other.

Software compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform that contains a broad selection of programs designed for students with a range of learning challenges.