
Assists with attention

Black square with border consisting of tiny colored blocks. Inside is a colorful airplane.

A Windows-based program developed specifically for students with special needs that is a very basic cause & effect and visual tracking program.

Light blue horizontal band with Nemeth Tutorial text flush left next to a round logo and APH logo on right.

A free online course for teaching students and teachers how to use the Nemeth code from introductory topics to advanced topics in mathematics.

Rounded white square with smiley face with open mouth and three colorful talk bars coming out.

A communication tool for people on the autism spectrum that teaches speech, language, and social communication skills to people with a variety of abilities.

A collage of four learning tools, including a desktop computer display, a laptop display outlined in black, and a small, white-rimmed tablet. A the end is a small booklet.

A cloud-based platform designed specifically to give students with complex learning needs meaningful access to the general education curriculum. 

Laptop with display outlined in black and inside showing two rows of menu icons. A white-bordered tablet computer is leaning against it.

A comprehensive, integrated online solution that offers evidence-based strategies designed to empower individual self-regulation and executive functioning.

Child holding a tablet computer and pointing at an image of a rocket ship on the screen.

An online resource that promotes lifelong learning through fun interactive activities, creating opportunities for individuals with special needs to master educational concepts and develop life-building skills.

Rounded square with an overhead view of a colorful flower against a black background. The lowercase word sensory is at the bottom of a yellow band.

A touch painting digital art app designed to enable people with special/complex needs to make attractive but unusual patterned paintings and drawings.

Black rectangle with red cloud-like image with a green border. The lowercase word sensory appears at the bottom inside a yellow bar.

A simple calming and relaxing visual app for people of any age with special/complex needs.

Rounded rectangle with black background and colorful round, bubble-like connected shapes. At the bottom is a yellow bar with the word sensory in lowercase.

A simple calming and relaxation app for people of any age with special/complex needs. It is designed to be visually stimulating and suitable for a range of abilities. 

Square with black background and bright yellow blob-like shape in the middle with purple border. On the bottom is a yellow bar with the lowercase word sensory across it.

A simple calming and relaxing visual app for people of any age with special/complex needs.