
Assists entering letters, words, numbers

Yellow, black, magenta, green, and blue-colored calculator, displaying fractions in "top-down" format, rather than as decimals.

Designed to provide visual reinforcement for use by individuals with learning disabilities and cognitive impairments, while learning basic math skills.

A white and blue device resembling a typewriter, with a display panel at the top.

Direct selection or combination direct selection and scanning communicator, designed for use by individuals with communication or speech disabilities.

Screenshot of a menu featuring various icons overlayed across the right-hand side of a desktop home screen.

Eye-controlled communicator program and mouse emulator designed for use by individuals with speech or communication disabilities and severe physical or neurological disabilities.

A black carrying case next to a medium-sized, rectangular, and light-grey device with four square buttons. Next to it are two switch controls.

Scanning or direct selection communicator package designed for use by individuals with communication disabilities.

Two medium-sized curved, rectangular devices. Each has a flat, yellow, and textured square on top that the user presses to activate the device.

A scanning communicator designed for use by individuals with vision disabilities. This device scans through pre-recorded messages at a lowered volume. 

Angled view of black rectangular tablet computer showing front left corner and colorful grid on the screen.

A tactile tablet computer with a built-in braille display, haptic ergonomics, and a series of tactile software (in.Home).

Angled view of a tablet computer held up by a stand and showing a communications grid on its screen.

A lightweight and portable augmentative communication device with an integrated display at both the front and back. 

Blue square with large white block letters in two rows.

An onscreen assistive keyboard for people with mild to moderate physical challenges and those with low vision.

A montage of the software, worksheets, and workbooks that are part of the curriculum.

A research- and standards-based curriculum for secondary students with moderate to severe intellectual disability or autism to learn language arts with age-appropriate novels.

A black corded telephone set.

Hands-free infrared telephone with built-in AAC, designed for use by individuals with speech and communication disabilities to communicate crucial messages over the telephone.