
Assists entering letters, words, numbers

A gray rectangular device with a black screen.

Communication tablets in various sizes that operate via touch, eye control, scan, head mouse, or keyboard and include specialized software.

A white keyboard with gray keys and a blue screen above the keys.

A voice/typewriter device that helps users communicate and control surroundings.

A monitor with IntelliGaze functions that have typed out the word "hello" while a user gazes at the screen.

A module that makes it possible to operate all the functions of a PC using eye movements. It is designed for people with limited motor skills or many involuntary movements. 

Rounded blue rectangular image with a white Qwerty keyboard on the bottom and a frog in a white box on the upper left. A white rectangular window is in the upper right with the word frog next to a blank line.

An introduction to the keyboard by using speech, phonics, and Widgit Symbols in colorful letter exercises to teach literacy skills to users who have difficulty with text or communication.

Screenshot of an iOS interface reading "Lightswitch" at the top of the screen and displaying a list of menu options, including "Desk Fan," "Library Lamp," and "Office Fan." Beneath, there is an option slider, that ranges from "Off" to "Level" to"On." The slider is set to "On."

Home automation program with voice commands that may be helpful for individuals with mobility disabilities or spinal cord injury.

Drawing of a global shape with horizontal and vertical lines and the stick figure of a person in purple.

A free communication environment featuring an on-screen keyboard designed for use by individuals who cannot use a keyboard or mouse.

Screenshot of on-screen keyboard with colored keys and other keyboard functions.

Software that uses a phonetic approach to help spelling-disabled children and adults spell better. Instead of spelling words by trying to remember the letter sequence, users spell the words based on what they sound like. 

Image of four rows of workbook and booklet sets for the science curriculums covered.

A standards-based curriculum designed for use by individuals with learning or cognitive disabilities that includes symbol-supported Student Books and Easy Reader Books, consumable Student Workbooks, and Teacher's Guides as well as scripted sample lessons. Additional activities, projects, articles, and experiments are included on the USB flash drives. 

Software name and logo on top with a screenshot of the program's menu in the middle and a round cut out in the lower right featuring a picture of a boy holding a pencil and reading a book.

A symbolic language picture creation program designed for use by individuals with communication disabilities that enables them to create a wide range of picture supported documents.

Screenshot of keyboard, showing four rows of keys and menu options across the top.

An on-screen keyboard program designed for use by people who have limited mobility, such as people suffering from muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, or similar handicaps or disabilities.