
Communication Devices

A white and blue device resembling a typewriter, with a display panel at the top.

Direct selection or combination direct selection and scanning communicator, designed for use by individuals with communication or speech disabilities.

A black carrying case next to a medium-sized, rectangular, and light-grey device with four square buttons. Next to it are two switch controls.

Scanning or direct selection communicator package designed for use by individuals with communication disabilities.

Two medium-sized curved, rectangular devices. Each has a flat, yellow, and textured square on top that the user presses to activate the device.

A scanning communicator designed for use by individuals with vision disabilities. This device scans through pre-recorded messages at a lowered volume. 

Image of a blue rectangle with a white conversation bubble in the middle with two black braille cells inside of it.

A computer keyboarding and typing training program for people who are visually impaired that speaks and displays lessons on screen.

White vertical rectangle outlined in purple with the name of the product underneath an image of a pencil pointing to an open book.

Software that enables users to read and/or produce a wide variety of types of digital talking books that are accessible to both users who are visually impaired and users who are blind.

Large, white, square device with blue edges on the corners, a speaker in the upper right, a keypad in the center, and other control buttons throughout.

Digital talking book players designed for use by individuals with blindness or low vision.

Large rectangular display with home PC screen showing time in large numbers at the top and icons for various functions.

An extremely large Android-based tablet that can function as either a whiteboard or a table and was developed as a way to help autistic children connect with the world.

Angled view of white rectangular box with vent grill on bottom along the front.

A lightweight and portable braille and 3D imaging printer.

Several different models of emergency dialers. One is a white, oval-shaped necklace pendant with a blue button. Another pendant has a yellow button and is shown next to a speaker box with a red button. Another model resembles a white wristwatch with a red button in the center.

A telephone device that offers one-touch emergency dialing.

A communications page showing a large grid of colorful choices.

A symbol-based augmentative and alternative communication strategy that can be used at a very early stage to develop and increase language development, thereby facilitating and improving communication skills.