
Language Representation

A green background with two white conversation bubbles overlapping.

An app designed for teens and adults with autism and other developmental and communication challenges. It is specifically focused on the more cognitively challenged.

Tablet device with a camera mounted at the bottom of the screen and an onscreen keyboard.

A communication device for people whose only means of communication is with their eyes. It is classified as a speech generator (SGD).

Opened dark grey laptop with AllTalk's icon phrase selection menu on screen.

An AAC device for individuals with communication disabilities that uses an icon-based language.

An app on an iPad showing a grid of icons representing various action verbs.

A Full Vocabulary AAC Language App designed to meet the communication needs of children with autism. 

A black rectangular device with 128 message icons with text above such as "arm" and "walk," and a handle on the top.

Multi-level communication device that can read overlays by detecting the hole pattern punched in the overlay. Users can group cells together to free form a larger cell or visual scene.

a rectangular device with a 4x3 grid of square buttons

A one-level communication device that is accessed by pressing the keys on the front of the device.

Word selection screen on smartphone with with 12 options available in a 3x4 grid.

Integrated communication systems that offer Chat software on Android platforms that can be configured for different communication needs for a wide variety of individuals.

Small wireless keyboard and small rectangular speaker.

A speech-generating device that offers a solution for AAC augmentative communication when users are looking for a simple yet powerful speech generation device. It is suitable for speech-impaired individuals, post-operative patients, or as a health product solution for anyone who needs an affordable voice generation device that generates synthesized speech.

The Say Hi AAC logo. It has a lime green backdrop, with the word "hi!" written in a cursive, handwriting-style font. The word is in white, while the quotation marks around it are dark grey.

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and navigation iPad application that brings the world of basic communication to people with severe physical disabilities, limited movement, and/or challenged dexterity through pages with groups of words or phrase boxes.