
From provided set

Accommodations that allow the user to select a text/background combination from a set provided by the application.

Origin ID: 
Color Detector logo

This app is designed to recognize colors using your mobile phone.

ONYX Deskset HD

The ONYX series are portable video magnifiers designed for people with low vision.

Large rectangular display with white background showing enlarged text connected to a reading table/scanner.

A family of desktop video magnifiers that combine ease of use with a wide range of features.

Scan and Read logo, featuring an open computer superimposed over an open book. There is an orange circle graphic behind it.

Scanning application that creates an electronic file for scanned documents.

Small, handheld device with large screen displaying enlarged text when positioned over a newspaper.

Magnifying aid that is backlit, useful for individuals with low vision and is portable.

Small handheld device with an LCD screen and four brightly-colored menu buttons on either side.

The CANDY HD II is a portable video magnifier that can be used as either a “handheld” or “stand” magnifier.

Rectangular, handheld device with large display and operating buttons along right side and magnified image of medication on screen.

Electronic handheld magnifiers designed for people with mild to medium-severe low vision who need variable magnification and contrast enhancement.

On-screen keyboard and target window.

An on-screen keyboard providing people with physical impairments full access to the computer.

A toolbar featuring options that include BG Color, Text Color, Link Color, Fonts, Hide Graphics, Read Aloud, Restore.

A toolbar extension for Firefox which aims at providing various accessibility features for users who could benefit from them. These features primarily focus on the dynamic manipulation of the visual display of the web page in addition to the integration of a text to speech reader which can read out loud the browser's user interface as well as web page content.

Screenshot of a blank page with cursor in Microsoft Word.

Accessibility feature bundled in the Windows Operating Systems that lows for a high contrast visualization of the Windows platform. This makes it easier to read text on a screen.