
Provides associative graphics to enhance recognition

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Square image of a green chalkboard with three interconnected blocks outlined in white and the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in the blocks with arrows between them.

A cognitive aid and prompter app designed for caregivers to provide positive behavior support to individuals with cognitive or communication disabilities or autism.

Screen shot showing email inbox and row of program buttons on left.

A voice output computer desktop configuration program designed for use by individuals with cognitive and developmental disabilities and brain injury.

Square blue image with stylized pictures of a coin, wad of cash and a large dollar sign.

An app designed for people with memory loss, concentration disabilities, and autism. It provides users step-by-step instructions on how to counts bills, coins, and coin rolls.

Various models of photo-dial telephones. They resemble standard telephones, but with pictures instead of numbers. Two models also have a number of pads as well as photo buttons. On one, the phone is cordless, with the photo button menu located on the receiver component and a standard number pad on the handset itself. On the other model, the corded phone has a set of nine photos speed-dial buttons at the top, with a standard keypad below. The other two models only have photo buttons and no number pad.

Photo dial telephones are simplified telephones that have a set of photo slots for storing pictures of frequent contacts. Next to the photos are speed dial buttons for contacting the person in the image.

A hand tapping on the top-left corner of a touchscreen tablet, which is displaying an interactive digital book for children.

Book apps for kids offer children's stories for digital download to an e-reader, smartphone, or tablet. They are often free to download and include one story per month, and users can then pay a monthly fee to access unlimited digital books.

Various types of color-coded keyboard stickers. The stickers divide the keyboard into different colored "zones" that show users which fingers to place on which keys. Two designs have eight different colors; one has the full rainbow spectrum of colors; the other has pastel purple, green, blue, gold, red, teal, pink, and orange. Another set has two colors: red and blue. Still another has yellow, light blue, green, and coral red.

Provide a color-coded visual aid that helps users place their hands on a keyboard correctly for efficient typing.

Image of homepage of website, featuring doctor standing in front of hospital waving.

The Doctor Tea website (in Spanish) aims to facilitate medical visits for people with autism, becoming familiar with the medical environment through a tour through different spaces, professionals and medical procedures, which are explained with bullets, videos and animations.

Two children interacting with Azahar on tablet.

Azahar is a free set of Java-based leisure, communication and planning tools aimed at improving the quality of life of people with autism or intellectual disability.

An illustrated graphic of an open laptop displaying the Widgit Online Logo.

Web browser extension for creating symbol documents, flashcards, activities and timetables to support learning and communication.

Glasses and helmet unit with remote attached via wire.

The Moverio Pro BT-2200 smart headset features key technologies designed for the industrial workplace, including use with most safety helmets. Ideal for enterprise applications, this durable headset features safety-glass compliance and a dust-resistant design. With built-in voice commands, it supports hands-free interfaces with head tracking and gesture control. Its high-resolution front-facing camera and remote visual support makes it easy to help with complex tasks, while hot swappable batteries ensure all-day usage without interruption.