


Screenshot of an AAC board with symbol options on the left, a calender on the center left, a weekly planner in the center right, and a day planner on the left.

A visual diary app for Android and iOS devices designed especially for people with autism or communication difficulties that emphasizes visual elements and offers different customization options.

Two horizontal pen-like devices with a small black button near the back end of the pen. A red pen is above and slightly behind a blue pen below.

A sound recording and playback device that uses coded stickers to identify saved recordings, lets users record sounds and messages, and plays those sounds when the user points to the stickers.

Square image with two rows of two rounded white squares, each with a colorful drawing of a symbol and the word Widgit underneath it.

A series of apps for the iPad and Windows devices that have been specifically designed to support pupils through the process of writing.

A vertical iPad screen showing five rows of an image next to a topic area against a white background.

A series of symbol reading books for the iPad that contains five books with speech and symbol support along with questions and speaking flashcards for conversation and communication support.

Vertical image of an iPad screen with a cartoon sky background and two rows of three squares image containing words and pictures and a third row of one square image.

A series of iPad apps, developed in conjunction with education and speech and language professionals, that are designed to develop basic vocabulary and can be used at home, in the classroom, and for therapy.


A rectangular black electronic device with two control knobs on the front face with a speaker in between them. In front of the knobs are five buttons. On the front edge of the device are ports connected to five colorful round switches.

An adaptive music device for teachers, therapists, parents and others who want to use music in an activity with children or adults to learn about switches and turn-taking.

Rounded blue square with a white lowercase letter t in the center and a white superscript HD in the upper right.

An app designed for children and adults with dyslexia to help them write without spelling errors. It uses a word prediction engine and spelling error model to help users write, even if their spelling isn't correct.

Rounded square image of the lowercase word inku written in white against a pink background in the center, and different colored small squares across the top.

An app designed for people who struggle with writing due to learning disabilities such as dyslexia. It helps people write and take notes in both an educational and professional setting.

Various models of dial-less telephones, which resemble standard corded telephones, but without a number keypad or menu. Two phones are off-white, and one is red.

Telephones for users with Alzheimer's or other cognitive difficulties who would benefit from a simplified telephone that can only receive incoming calls.

Screenshot of four rows of letters in white blocks against a purple background.

Speech therapy treatment software for articulation difficulty caused by apraxia of speech or other speech difficulties.