
Adaptive or Assistive Products

Tools that allow a person with a disability to do things that able-bodied people do without help (other than computer access or communication aids)
Square orange logo with scripted ABC written in a pyramid shape in the middle.

A text predictor for all ages featuring reading and exam functions and extensive correction options with text-to-speech technology and symbols, illustrations, and example sentences to help users with word choice and text comprehension.

Word processing program featuring a selection of text an illustration.

Page scanning software that reads text aloud with adjustable reading speed.

A rectangular device with an input on the side.

A portable device for instant Braille reading and conversion of printed text to audio.

Rectangular black color device which has 12 switches, each switch has person's picture on it.

A supplement for a cordless DECT phone. Twelve photo keys for the most important contacts like family members, friends or doctors to make a fast and quick call at the touch of one button. 

Open photo album with picture of two dogs on left side and girl smiling on right side.

The Talking Photo Album is a speech output device for 20 photos and suitable for talking stories, message books, and step-by-step directions.

Rectangular device with document scanning platform and control buttons on the front.

A printed text reader designed for blind and visually impaired people, as well as people who have problems with printed text for other reasons such as reading, learning or language difficulties.

Screenshot of word prediction menu in green.

A word prediction program that is designed to make typing faster and easier in any Windows program.

Penfriend XL screen featuring vocabulary word choices next to a sentence.

A screen reader with text magnification, word prediction and on-screen keyboards in many languages.

IRIS Word bank logo showing two gold tiles with a Greek lower case "a" on one and a "b" on the other in silver.

A program that helps people who have problems with the Danish language and is intended primarily for dyslexics and others with reading/spelling and writing difficulties.

Screenshot showing three rows of folders of ready-made templates on the right and menu options on the left.

A desktop publishing program for creating symbol-based materials, including books, flashcards, worksheets, and accessible documents using Widgit Symbols.