
Adaptive or Assistive Products

Tools that allow a person with a disability to do things that able-bodied people do without help (other than computer access or communication aids)
Two wire adapters with switch connection and small or large, white battery plates.

This product has been discontinued and is no longer supported and serviced.

Battery Device Adapter.

On screen keyboard with predictions.

Teclado Virtual Livre (Virtual Keyboard Free) was developed for users of the Prancha Multiplataforma Livre (Free Communication Board) who are literate and are able to form words using an alphanumeric keyboard.

A square gray and white box.

it-Control Lite is a wireless SimplyWorks receiver that can be used with any SimplyWorks transmitter such as the iSwitch or SEND to control battery operated toys and small appliances via a standard 3.5mm jack plug.

ITU Gaze tracker setup screen showing an eye centered on a two-axis grid with the pupil colored neon green. Below this picture are tool buttons and to the right is a setup menu for calibrating the pupil location.

A 3D interface for gaze-based interaction and target selection using continuous pan and zoom and is designed as a predictive text entry system.


A free, open source, extensible screen reader that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable combinations of speech and/or braille.

Free standing document camera.

An instant book-to-speech multi-tasking tool for multi-tasking users.

YRead interface with a text file open and few control button on left side panel.

Software that will load a plain text (TXT) or HTML file and display it in a single-column, resizable window. Then it will read the file to the user out loud, using human speech.

A virtual keyboard.

Pointer-controlled onscreen keyboard for those with access difficulties.

A screenshot of the keyboard showing the list of syllables.

Teclat Sil·làbic (Teclat Màgic) is a program that aims to facilitate writing for people who are unable to use a standard keyboard, but are able to use either a joystick device or switch adapters to access the mouse. It is suitable for students with motor disabilities. 

Software screen displaying sign language symbol box and selection menu.

SW-Edit is a sign language editing tool based on SignWriting Editor.