
Augmentative Communication Systems

Supports or replaces natural speech for face-to-face communication
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
speech, communication, text, software, communicate, voice, touch
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
picture, talk, screen, using, speak, pictures, device, image, without, assistive, words, alternative, disability, augmentative, visual
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
keyboard, nonverbal, technology, aac, disabled, impaired, email, messaging, audio, tool, accessibility, read, aloud, computers, language, devices, programs, instant, options, non, communicator, output, type, input, others, interface, reader, content, app, communications
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
talking, non-verbal, touchscreen, typing, translator, program, speechless, replacement, select, message, feature, control, communicating, generating, text-to-speech, word, apps, messages, applications, commands, translate, convert, assistance, replace, board, easy, mute, replacer, learning, speaks, alternate, speaking, assistant, impairment, find, verbal, spoken, pictographs, controlling, inability, key, auto, correct, ways, keys, specs, free, converter, eye, methods, chat, direct, voiceless, assisted, messenger, alternatives, exchange, tools, replacing, back
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
driven, silent, navigation, action, selected, based, generation, ac, electronic, mobile, text-to-voice, voicing, code, techniques, computer-assisted, communicative, friendly, game, supplement, panel, made, pictorial, icon, extract, see, chatty, choose, tablet, maker, turn, communicates, users, click, method, tts, dictate, express, stephen, hawking, recognition, controls, command, selection, bypassing, images, speakers, visuals, digital, non-speech, cognitive, speaker, learner, substitution, audible, item, instead, narration, tap, on-screen, graphical, cognition, simplified, simplify, developmentally, delayed, auditory, pointer, accessible, vocalize, just, referenced, includes, spell, predictive, unable, strategies, generator, wireless, mouse, dedicated, gaze, tracking, prediction, macros, adaptive, keyboards, impairments, symbols, simple, earphones, hear, friends, ability, connect, pad, solutions, technologies, portable, service, transform, text-to-audio, slurred, disorder, video, calling, texting, across, wait, typed, press, enter, send, im, compose, search, acoustic, rooms, messengers, e-mail, organizations, assisting, written, turning, repeat, delay, eyes, deaf, functionality, multiple, languages, automatically, sticky, smart, phone, automated, sending, systems
Nuance Text-to-Speech

Text-to-speech technology that leverages neural network techniques to provide a human‑like, engaging, and personalized user experience for customer self‑service applications.

Side view of tablet-sized device with colorful grid of symbols on the display screen.

A portable, lightweight, speech-generating device that includes the Mind Express software with SymbolStix symbols.

Small black square electronic device attached to a neck strap with a display showing a grid of four images.

A portable augmentative communication device for use by people with communication or speech disabilities. It consists of a PocketPC (HP iPaq 2495) loaded with Point To Pictures - Mobile (PTP-Mobile) software.

Screenshot showing a three-row grid of buttons for communications options.

A voice output direct selection and symbolic communicator program designed for use by individuals with communication, cognitive, learning, developmental or speech disabilities, or autism.

A screenshot of seven columns and six rows with a different symbol in each cell. The columns are orange, blue, yellow, green, orange, and pink. At the top of the screen, there is a menu bar and text input bar.

Software for symbol-based assistive communication systems.

point it app as seen on a smartphone.

The point it app helps users communicate by pointing to images on a smartphone (iOS, Android). This app contains themed topics of various images that can be shown.

Woman sitting at a table holding transparent board with image overlays.

A transparent acrylic board that fits in a wooden stand to make an eye-gaze board for use as a practical tool for developing initial direct selection skills.

Screenshots of a messaging app with the keyboard at the bottom of the screen and the typed message above. The typed messages are in large-font, purple font.

Mobile app designed to make communication easier.

Main screen of Amego software that displays a grid (in Spanish) of nine squares, each representing one of Amego's functions.

Amego is a free, Windows-based software program for text-based communication that works with Mind Express, software designed for people with communication challenges.

Two rows of 10 languages alongside their the country's flag that are able to be translated by the Gadget.

A free Windows-based desktop translation program that can instantly translate phrases to and from 20 different languages, resulting in nearly 200 language pairs.